Google +1 Button
ShareHi everyone, if you look over on the right-hand side of the page I've added the new Google +1 button to every page on the site. Now you can click that button to endorse pages on the site that you.
Analytics Tips for Setting up Google +1 - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)
After all the talk, Google's +1 button is now officially here. In a low-key blog post, Google simply announced that the button has launched with a handfu...
Official Google Blog: The +1 button for websites: recommend ...
Since we started rolling out the +1 button in March, you've been able to recommend content to your friends and contacts directly from Google search results and ads. But sometimes you want to +1 a page while you're on it. ...
Now +1 Gets Interesting: Button Launches On YouTube, Android ...
We broke the news yesterday that Google was planning to announce today that the +1 button is going to be added to partner websites. The news leaked after one of the partners, Clearspring, leaked the news.
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